Saturday, April 25, 2015

From Horse Power to Atomic Power to LENR Pronto

The good old days enjoyed by our city-dwelling great grandparents were not all that rosy; get a whiff of reality from a few excerpts by author Eric Morris:

From Horse Power to Horsepower
“In 1898, DELEGATES FROM ACROSS THE GLOBE gathered in New York City for the world’s first international urban planning conference. One topic dominated the discussion. It was not housing, land use, economic development, or infrastructure. The delegates were driven to desperation by horse manure. the late 1800s, the problem of horse pollution had reached unprecedented heights ...American cities were drowning in horse manure as well as other unpleasant byproducts of the era’s predominant mode of transportation: urine, flies, congestion, carcasses, and traffic accidents…….
Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings.
As difficult as it may be to believe for the modern observer, at the time the private automobile was widely hailed as an environmental savior……it seems highly likely that the environmental problems caused by the horse were far greater than those of the modern car. ...manure releases methane, a greenhouse gas eight times more potent that CO2…..
But neither draconian regulations nor disincentives for travel were necessary to fix the horse pollution problem. Human ingenuity and technology (enabled by government, which provided infrastructure and regulations) did the job…”

Early in the 21st Century, farmers use machinery to spread liquid and solid manure from their milk, beef and poultry factories.
The scourges of modern cities are vehicle congestion and air pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels in electricity generation and in powering internal combustion engines. Neither proliferation of radio-active nuclear plants nor massive deployment of solar and wind farms will solve our urgent global problems in a timely manner. The disincentives of Carbon Caps and a generational delay for an all-encompassing LENR theory are not tolerable given dire nuclear and environmental risks.

A quote by Dr. Edmund Storms in the previous post, Rush to Market in Absence of LENR Theory, bears repeating:
"The energy released by LENR involves no significant radioactivity
or harmful radiation, and the generators can be small and inexpensive.
Nuclear meltdown is not possible. Because the fuel is contained in
ordinary water, the energy would be available to all countries and
could be generated in each home or business. Such energy could not
be interrupted by weather, terrorists, or political conflict. Since CO2
is not produced at any stage in its use, LENR poses no threat to global
A rational person has to wonder why such an ideal energy source is not implemented immediately."

PS # 1
The Associated Press sees fit to spread the word about the 13th Manure Expo, but hasn't touched any of the 19 ICCF congresses.

PS # 2
"Once the world has fully accepted the E-Cat technology as legitimate and real, there will be an eternity for scientists to determine the precise reactions taking place. While that is taking place, Industrial Heat and any other companies they choose to associate with can further develop the technology so that it can enter the marketplace." –Excerpt from Hank Mills’Guideline Document on replicating the E-cat effect -April 25, 2015

Up Date June 1, 2015
A Florida University thinks Dennis Bushnell's speech to a group of 58 is worthy of reporting:
He mentions LENR in the context that the human race needs to start pursuing "new" paths for renewable energy.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Rush to Market in Absence of LENR Theory

With boundless LENR potential for economic, environmental and social benefits, major disruptions are about to impact energy markets -and in turn, industries and consumers world-wide. Regardless of disruptions and lack of a broadly acceptable theory, the Chinese and East Indians must push on with both nuclear and LENR plants; else, they suffocate.

After attending the ICCF-19 conference, some would choose to differ with Dr. Storms on whether a lack of an acceptable LENR theory would actually hold up commercialization of Industrial Heat’s operational 103 unit E-cat reactor and the marketing of such LENR heating/electricity reactors in Asia. At a coffee break, one conference attendee argued that recent history proves major technological breakthroughs have never proceeded from research through engineering to significant market penetration without being predeeded by solid theory.

Here are some extracts from a January 2015 paper by Edmund Storms:
…when results from Rossi’s MW trial will be presented, if not before, we will have a breakthrough for the view on LENR as an existing phenomenon. But we will still lack a solid, accepted theory for explaining it, which is necessary to carry on efficient engineering, also for Industrial Heat, even though Rossi has come a long way through intuition and some possible theoretical concepts.

The energy released by LENR involves no significant radioactivity
or harmful radiation, and the generators can be small and inexpensive.
Nuclear meltdown is not possible. Because the fuel is contained in
ordinary water, the energy would be available to all countries and
could be generated in each home or business. Such energy could not
be interrupted by weather, terrorists, or political conflict. Since CO2
is not produced at any stage in its use, LENR poses no threat to global
A rational person has to wonder why such an ideal energy source is not implemented immediately. (emphasis mine)
...The grid system would not be necessary and would cease to exist. Even the clean energy sources, such as solar and wind that are attached to the grid, would find selling their energy to be very difficult. In short, the advanced nations that use oil, coal, natural gas and uranium for energy would face possible financial collapse of their major industries.

It's unfortunate that Tom Darden and Edmund Storms did not meet in Padua in mid-April to correct the disconnects in their otherwise clear messages.

PS # 1
With each of the three main experimenter-developers -BlackLight Power, Brilluoin and Industrial Heat- proposing unique LENR theories, production will not be delayed while the Club of Theoretical Phycists get around to agreeing on an all-encompassing theory.

PS # 2
On the EgoOut blog post of April 22nd, an anonymous commentator says:
I don't think a lack of theory slowed down the development and application of the steam engine. A lot of theory RESULTED from that application (thermodynamics), but none preceded or guided its development

Update #1 April 22, 2015
On his April 22nd blog post, Dr. Peter Gluck comments in part:
"In the real world perhaps we will not have such a theory soon -say in a generation -then should we prohibit technological progress that more modestly is satisfied with less than theory... Fragments of theories...will act as the spices of the Great Recipes. This will happen.."

Update #2 June 22, 2015
A plausable prediction that China will soon dominate manufacturing and science while the US portects its legacy energy systems:

Friday, April 17, 2015

Gala Dinner & Friday's ICCF-19 Windup

The gala venue was in Caffe Pedrocchi, Pauda's most prestigious and historical restaurant. The cafe is a palace itself of marbel, high pillars, glass and brass. The diners were a congenial bunch, much more lubricated and talkative than at the daily coffee breaks.
Next year's ICCF-20 conference gets underway in Japan's Sendai city.

Opening Friday's session was Mr. Michel Vandenberghe who talked about the challenges of structuring his LENR-Cities startup, a business facilitating co-operation of researchers and prospective marketers of LENR products and services. See also August 2014 post.

I was successful in getting some preliminary statistics from the ICCF staff on the composition of the "Professional" registrants at the conference.
. . . . . . Professional (partial) 227 Persons . . . . . . . .
...... Excluding guests, journalists, ICCF staff, politicians, students, etc.

USA ---------- 72
Italy -------- 37
Russia ------- 29
France ------- 22
Japan -------- 11
Switzerland --- 9
Norway -------- 8
China --------- 6
UK ------------ 5
Germany ------- 5
Belgium ------- 4
Sweden -------- 3
South Korea --- 3
Hungary ------- 2
Kazakhstan ---- 2
Netherlands --- 2
Canada -------- 2
Spain --------- 1
Denmark ------- 1
Greece -------- 1
Slovenia ------ 1
Finland ------- 1

In a couple of weeks, full analysis of attendee statistics should be available from ICCF-19 administration -or from this blog.

Update # 1

The LENR Forum site carries interesting comments on statistics by AlainCo and by Mats Lewan:

UPdate # 2, June 2nd 2015

One sequel to ICCF-19 is stirring in North Carolina:
Another participant may well be Tianjin Huayan industrial Park. Remember, Tom Darden, Chairman of Industrial Heat, LLC was present at the park's opening.
All this activity may be a prelude to Industrial Heat's big product announcement and/or a proposal for an accepted LENR theory.

Monday, April 13, 2015

ICCF-19 Day 1

Hello from Padua, Italy
The 19th conference kicked off with an address by Tom Darden of Industrial Heat, LLC.
After reviewing his business experiences tackling pollution problems, he expressed optimism about LENR, but never specifically mentioned the E-cat comercialization project which is in the midst of a 12-month test run at a customer's site.
When asked about the time line for launch of LENR, he responded that patience was the watch-word and that they did not want to miss anything important. He said they were using their own money and therefore were not subject to investor pressure for early ROI. He was quite earnest about being in for the long term and for the benefit our grandchildren and their children.
He, of course lauded the attnedees for their continuing efforts in researching, experimenting and engineering of LENR.

PS # 1
The full transcript of Mr. Darden's address can be found at: -compliments of DrBob.
PS # 2
EgoOut is another excellent site for following on-going events at ICCF-19 as friends of Peter Gluck feed him information from Pauda and Peter himself mines great data from afar.