Friday, February 13, 2015

Energy Foresight + Fiscal Smarts = Economic Stability

Under the authorship of Professor Greg Poelzer, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute published a paper on February 12, 2015 pointing out Canada was remiss in not following Norway’s lead in investing oil revenues in Sovereign Wealth Funds. In addition to Canada, he could have included Russia, Trinidad and Venezuela as sorely lacking in fiscal smarts.
Academics might use their considerable research and writing skills to broadcast the blind eye Canada gives to an emerging energy topic much more disruptive than the sudden petroleum glut and plumetting oil revenues. Indeed, the big elephant about to trample unprepared nations is the unheralded impact of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.)
Universities, industrial associations, policy-makers and politician were prompted to react before an uncompetitive Canada found itself in a catch-up game. See post of January 20, 2015, its embedded links -and urgent wake-up call.
With federal elections approaching, it's up to Canuk readers to take this blunt message viral.
Kindly relay your pity comment and/or this post to the Honourable Joe Oliver, Federal Minister of Finance


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