Monday, January 27, 2014

Short-cut to Smart Economic Dev Strategy

In the midst of a January deep freeze, the stage is set for the launch of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. The new owner of Rossi's E-cat was just announced, and Randell Mills makes a pitch for his device on January 28th, perhaps followed the next day by Obama's address on the status of oil pipelines & rail cars vs the safety of LENR.
Elsewhere, in the Province of Ontario, Guelph Hydro announces its plan for a city-wide District Heating installation to service its industrial, commercial and residential customers. Its first hook-up is the Sleeman ice rink.
LondonOntario's commercial core has had private District Heating for over a decade. However, our forest city has as much hope of financing expansion of hot pipe arrays as it had for expensive environmental reviews of farm woodlots and its dream of a far-out ring expressway.
Arab oil sheiks can easily deliver on promises of new cities in the deserts serviced by district cooling. But, burying and insulating extensive hot water pipelines in close proximity to legacy infrastructure in Canadian cities is not so practical.
A cool solution to a hot problem is to continue to utilize cold water distribution lines -but in conjunction with newly deployed on-site energy devices. Within a few years firms, institutions and residential units will be able to install appropriately-sized heating/cooling/electricity LENR-type units at their property sites.
Re-visit a December 2013 post for a view of NRG's offering, ditto for BLP. Monitor availability of Defkalion, and Nirvana products.
The beauty of these new energy devices is their accessability by small towns, farmers and even by isolated inhabitants beyond the tree line who cannot wait for arctic warming.

Tell your Network friends that LENR (aka Cold Fusion) is much nearer than they hoped. Soon they will be saying good-bye to polluting fossil fuels, ugly wind turbines and dangerous nuclear plants. And, LondOnt, being a first-mover, is on the map.

Dateline Guelph, Ontario Oct. 14, 2014
The City of Guelph has engaged Copenhagen's Ramboll Corporation to consult in its city-wide Community Energy Initiative. It's a smart and effective economic development strategy also being advanced in Huston and Portland:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Industrial Heat buys E-cat Technology

According to today's Press Release, Industrial Heat LLC of Raleigh, North Carolina bought the rights to Rossi's E-cat LENR techhnology. Cherokee Industrial Partners is a founding investor in Industrial Heat.
See web site, for an excellent commentary on this event.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BlackLight Power Inc. Press Release

In the first two weeks of 2014 as contenders jockey for position, there has been a lot of LENR press on Brillouin, E-cat, Defkalion -and now, dark-horse BackLight Power is pounding up the home-stretch:

BLP confirms its units produce electricity directly from water vapor. They say they are generating 10MW-H of power from a liter of water in a one cubic ft device.
They may be initially targeting small business and home markets, although they claim application across many sectors in de-coupling customers from the grid, gas/petrol and solar/wind infrastructures.
A demonstration is being staged on January 28, 2014, at which event we should find out if reality supports all the hype.

Thursday, January 02, 2014


This is a time of making resolutions and also of re-kindling auld acquaintance. All is quiet on the local front with teen-age grandsons on Salzburg's ski slopes trying to impress sno-bunnies.
Before I inevitably go off-piste into that great unknown chasm, I've started to share my collection sayings with grandkids -and with a broader audience. Good luck with your favourite resolves of cutting smoking and losing weight. You might consider a couple more from this long list:

Networking File -the Power of Contacts

Once met, strangers no more …if you attach names and ideas to faces.
New friends can help,if given compelling & succinct reason to do so.
Plan your intro -who u are, what u do, and what you are looking for.
By giving back, accessing sources & resources is not using others.
Face-to-face meetings can often lead to acquisition of novel info.
Don’t do all the talking; listen & throw conversational ball back.
Cultivate acquaintance of leading thinkers, influencers and doers.
Use networking to meet the right people before u need their help.
Keep influentials in your circle by introducing helpful contacts.
Make contacts across many industry, gender & generational lines.
Get to know your neighbours; they know others you wish to know.
Social media is no replacement for a circle of genuine friends.
To be a better conversationalist, become a better interrogator.
Info-packed elecronic profiles beat a stash of business cards.
For networkers, opporunities come to those who empower others.
To learn, meet with those who act & sound nothing like you do.
High performers have strong lateral & up and down connections.
Make notes in order to have common ground for next encounter.
Chance meetings and a mix of ideas can ignite breakthroughs.
Have conversations, but have a message. Flog mutual blogs.
What is lacking in know-how is made up for in "know-who."
Radiate positive vibes and they'll bounce back threefold.
Get to know the routers in your particular field/market.
Always follow up a warm referral with written thanks.
Find smart people to network with at live events.
Emphasize commonalities rather than differences.
Rather than just searching, network like crazy.
Use conversation as a catalist for innovation.
Engage and share content with trusted friends.
Do things for others. Don’t just be a taker.
Ask for help. Give it. Test relationships.
Meet the power elite -fly business class.
At events circulate; avoid usual cliques.
Develop ease in talking with strangers.
It's not about me, it's about sharing.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
Connect with the super connectors.
Reciprocity is the glue & purpose.
Meet & engage interesting people.
Meet and then befriend the gurus.
Reconnect with old school mates.
Make your network your filter.
Trust until it is betrayed.
Mix, Link, Listen, Learn.

I look forward to continued shareing; please do the same.

Good Deed # 1
As part of mentoring the young, here is an educaional link to pass along.
In fact it could help a few in your network hurdel tasks of report writing.

Good Deed # 2

Here is a "request for help" through micro-targeting that first appeared at the end of a Guest Editorial on the E-Cat World forum.